Evelyn Pihla

Online course for the gamechangers of tomorrow

The University of Tartu is offering a free online course, “Greenfluencer: Innovative Green Communication”, for the youth interested in sustainability and communications.

The English held course is aimed for high school and university students and their peers in 16-25 years of age. You will get the practical skills in using different communication methods and in raising awareness about green issues. The course starts on February 26th and ends on April 22nd, lasting eight weeks in total. It has five modules, which can be completed through self-paced learning. Meaning that you can complete them as fast or slow as you like within the set time.

Enhance your career with a set of new skills, officially certified by the University of Tartu!

In addition to that, it may also help you start to prepare for your studies with us!

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Ukraina lipud

New volunteers welcome to make camouflage nets for Ukraine

Barlova teadusõhtu

Barlova Science Night Presents: Revolution in Exoplanets

Tähtede õhtu 12.04

Engineer Mari Allik will introduce Estonia's Leap into Lunar Exploration